Friday, May 4, 2012

First Chemo Treatment

Ok I survived my first chemo treatment.  It was rather easy.  Show up talk briefly to the doctor and then find a chair and wait for them to hook you up many bags of drugs.  They first hook up the anti nause meds and then the bendryl and then you get another bag of anti nause meds and then the give you the chemo drugs.  I am doing a cocktail of T/C.   It wasn't so bad except that they come at you with this really big needle and stick it into your port.  Wow it hurt.  Thank goodness I only have to do that three more times.  So you sit there and just wait while the drugs go into your system.  You don't feel anything.   The nurse said that I did very well.  And shouldn't have any problem.  No allegeric reactions at all.  She was very impressed.  Funny thing is that we were talking and I told her about my Gastric Bypass Surgery and that I had lost 145 lbs and mom showed her the progression photo and she couldn't believe it was me.  She even said that the last phone I might have been too thin.  I only was 5 lbs from where I currently am. 

So today we had to go back and get a white blood cells booster shots.  And that really hurt too.  But again it is all doing what is necessary to make the side effects less.  Right now I don't have any side effects accept that I am a little tired.  I can't even say I am tired just feel sluggish.  Was definately a good idea taking off today and resting.  I have spent the day relaxing on the couch.  Taking cat naps here and there but physically feeling ok.  I have been able to eat and keeping hydrated. 

In two weeks we go back and have my counts looked and and then May 24th, we go an have our second treatment.  One down, three to go.  So far so good. 

I am all ready got my wig and lots of hats.  They did say most likely in the next two weeks the hair will start to fall out.  Well hell watch out hair cuttery because as soon as I have the first signs, here we come get the clippers out.  Rocking the wigs.    Oh yea and the last fill of the foobs wasn't that bad but we are getting up there with the cc's and this time I am having more discomfort with regards to the stretching of the muscles.  I guess this is my body telling me that we are almost there too. 

Well there is the update so far.


Again thank you everyone for the prayers and good thoughts we are almost at the end the finish line is coming closer!  :)


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