Well I know I haven't written in a while. Just have been so busy living life. That is right people I won't let having cancer stop me from being me and living life. Tomorrow is my last chemo treatment. Funny it seems like it went so fast just like summer does. I am very glad to be done just one more weekend of feeling like crap after the chemo drugs are in my system. Bad new is that I do have to do radiation. Not to happy about it, but the radiation oncology feels that it is the best thing to do again as preventative care. She said why would be make sure we killed any cancer cells in your blood stream with chemo and not make sure we go after anything that may been unlying in the skin that has been left from the mastosmcy. And yes I could have said no I don't want it, but I have come this far I am going to make sure that I take every precaution that we got all of the cancer. Even though Dr. Levy feels that she got all of the cancer with the surgery we still have to make sure it is gone for good. I get to recover from Chemo and have to get one more fill in the Foobs before we start radiation. And since the hospital is moving, I will have to wait until October to start radiation. So I get either 5 or 6 weeks of radiation ( yes people it is an every day thing)! UGH!! But again it is what the doctor's feel is the best. And then I have to wait 3 months to recover from the radiation to get the permanent implants put in. So that puts us at March so almost 1 year from the initial surgery I will be foob free and have new perk BOOBS! And the best part will be that they will be cancer free.
My hair has started to come back, slowly but it is still coming back. I have read that usually by about 4 months after chemo stops you have a boys hair do that you can stop wearing your hats. So that means for my 40th birthday I will have hair. Love that present. :)
I am looking forward to calling the surgeon who put my port in and see when I can get that taken out. I really can't wait for that day. I hate the way it looks and it hurts. Out of the pain that I have went through that pain has been one of the worst.
Well my since my Foob filled on Monday they are also becoming a little uncomfortable, because they have to be filled larger than my actual implants to make sure there is enough room for the radiation scarring to happen. As Dr. DiBello has filled them they have become a little more oblong than round and I have part of the foob under my left underarm (Kathy Dr DiBello's assistant did tell me he would fix that at implant surgery time), but it is uncontrol. And it isn't like I can just push it over or hold it in place with a bra. Oh yea I haven't needed to wear a bra since March. So I guess that is one good thing about having this whole procedure done. They don't move. :)
Well keep your prayers and thoughts coming they really do mean a lot. Hope everyone had a great 4th. We just chilled at home and enjoyed the down time.
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