Sunday, April 29, 2012

short update!!

Sorry all for having posting in a while!  Just been busy busy with life.   Well the boys and I are doing well.  We are trying to be back in the swing of things with life in general.  Work and baseballs have been taking up most of the free time that we have.  But loving every minute of it. I love being at work and keeping busy.  Hate having to go to the follow up appts with the doctors and physical therapy.  But a girl has to do what a girl has to do.  Look forward to having this all behind and starting a new me.  Right now any free time I have away from work is running to baseball, being a mom and help my friend Tanya run the snack stand.  I know everyone keeps asking me how do I do it.  Well I love doing it!  It makes me feel alive.  As many of you know I don't do well sitting still for a long period of time. 

Had the port put in last Thursday and that went well.  Still a little sore but pushing through as always.  Have my last weekly scheduled fill for the foobs on Monday.  Then after that I have to schedule two more around the chemo treatments.  Because they don't want to stick a needle in you after they just push toxic drugs through your system until you are on the upswing of your body repairing itself.  Right after the fill on Monday I am headed to Bryn Mawr hospital to have my wig fitting.  That sounds so much like an old lady.  But if I am going to lose the hair I am not going to walk around without any.  That is the one thing I really am going to hate.  And I think worry the most about.  Losing my hair.  Not that I think my hair defines me but I enjoy being a girly girl when I want to or putting on my baseball cap and my makeup. 

I start chemo on Thursday.  They say this first one is the longest (5 hours) of just sitting in a chair and letting toxic drugs run through your body to kill any cancer cells that may be there from the surgery.  I am hoping I am going to be able take some naps.  Because I can't even start to think about sitting there for 5 hours and trying to read.  I am going to go crazy.  But it is for the best.  I am hoping to feeling ok to at least attend Jason's game on Sunday.  I hate missing him and the boys play.  They are doing so well and I am so proud of Jason as well as his teammates.  They really have come together to stay the first half of the season as undefeated.  5-0.  I am so proud of my little man. 

Today is Jason's 10th birthday.  I can't believe my little boy is growing up so quickly. 

Well there you go peeps.  A little update on what is going on.  Keep praying and sending those great thoughts my way.  I still have a long road ahead and I think this might just be the hardest of the journey so far.  We are praying that everything stays on the right track and we can be done treatments by July 4th.  If everything goes according to plan.



1 comment:

  1. Hmm, how to spend 5 hours in one place... I'd probably take along my laptop or iPad or anything capable of getting the hospital's wifi signal - and catch up on missed TV episodes or watch some mind-numbing on YouTube. Accomplishes nothing, true, but I personally keep finding all kinds of fun, rare Monkees gems (I'm sort of a fanatic... LOL) on there. Good luck. :)
    ---Maryann TJ
