Saturday, March 3, 2012

1st day home

ok surgery went well and I am on my way back to what could be normal but I don't think my life is going to be normal for a while.  Or what normal people would consider normal.  But could be normal for a person who is a cancer surviror.  Yes I am considering myself a cancer survior.  I have taken the first steps in betting this ugly thing that affects so many of our lives.

Well I am not going to be winning a swimsuit contest anytime soon with no boobs, but hey the ANGER boob is all gone.  They also did the lymph node testing.  Not sure how many they had remove or tested yet.  We should know this by mid next week.  Then we are going to call the oncologist and get that stage going as soon as we can.

I was quite humbled today.  I received the cutest flowers today from someone that I went to high school from.  She actually called me at the hospital last night to tell me how much my blog has touched her.  I was quite touched by her reaching out to me.  I am not doing this for self pity.  I am doing this more to make sure people see how thing horrible thing touches the life of me and my family.  And to show that as long as you stay positive with your attitude you will win.  And I want to make sure that young people know that we can get breast cancer too.  It is not just for someone over 40.  More and more of us are finding this shitty disease touching our lives too close to home.   What make 40 year old the magic number to start getting a mammogram.  Who decides this?  Our insurance companies.  Well again that sucks.  If I didn't do my self examinations, I would have never found the cancer and maybe it would have spread past the area that it knows were it is.

But I am home now resting missing my boys and on my way to this recovery stage.  Lets see how this goes.  I will keep everyone updated as much as possible.

Off to take some really good drugs.



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